Maddie Rowley
Fall 2024
Our mission is to improve overall health by simplifying access to health care for students, faculty, and staff by the use of our app to see openings, easily schedule appointments, keep track of personal medical history, and more.
Technological: The app I want to advertise requires the use of a phone and being able to navigate through a new app. This would require users to be sort of tech savvy and know how to be able to download the app then use the app to schedule appointments and keep up on health information in the app, for example. An additional technological problem is that there are always issues with technology so this is also a negative environmental factor. Technology is also always growing so having an app will cause it to be ever changing and updating to keep up with the market.
Social: One example is if people are talking about and telling others about the app. This can be a positive factor if people talk highly about the app, but it could also be a negative factor if people are telling others they don’t like the app. This could potentially be a good thing for the app because information gets around very quickly by word of mouth.
I think MyChart can be a competitor to this app in certain aspects. MyChart should have all or most of the patient’s information in their account and could have more options and resources than the campus health app. My Chart is also very universal regardless of what physician’s office or hospital you go to. MyChart has options to schedule appointments, message your provider, look at previous visits and test results, a list of medications, billing summary, and many more features. There is an option on MyChart that shows linked accounts such as Powers Health and CVS MinuteClinic, for example. This could be a place where the university app could appear in the future and be on MyChart.