Maddie Rowley
Fall 2024
Market Research
Research Problem Studied
I can foresee students and staff not knowing about the app or not thinking they need this wellness app. This would be more of a marketing issue, and it would need to be marketed well enough to make sure the university knows about what it is and why they should download and utilize it.
I would like to use surveys to collect data and I will be sending the survey out to 4 to 6 people. I think this is a useful method to get my questions answered and won’t take up too much of the student’s time. It is also easy to access and fill out.
Part Two
I surveyed four IUI students that are also my friends, three of them are the same major as me (health services management) and the last one is an HR student. In the first two questions I had asked where they typically hear about campus health news and events in general and what app or platform they currently are using to keep track of their medical records and appointments. Majority of the answers stated they hear about campus health and events via email and friends/professors. There were two responses also stating they use social media to keep up with any on campus events. I asked a question about what it is they like about the platforms where they usually find information on, and all the respondents stated it was because of the ease of use since it doesn’t look too complex and is fairly simplified and easy to find information on. One person also added that they like how the emails are sent to them often, and they typically have a link that is provided to find more information on the event and how to sign up.
I had also asked how likely they were to download a Campus Health app that would keep track of their medical records, allow them to make appointments, and provide them with a list of testing/health events on campus and even nearby. Three individuals responded with a four out of five and the last one responded with a three out of five. I also asked why this is/what do they foresee themselves using most of the app out of the three options mentioned. Two people responded and said to make appointments through and see testing opportunities, one person said to keep track of medical records, and the last respondent said to schedule appointments. My last question was if there was anything else they would want to see or be able to do in this app. One person said they wanted to be able to send their updated vaccinations directly to the school from the app. Another individual stated they would want to be able to send messages to their provider or even ask questions about Campus Health events. They said this could be though an automated chat or even AI. The other two didn’t fill out this question.
By doing this survey, I found out some useful information on what I should include in my app and if people are even likely to download it. I also have a better idea of the kind of audience I should be targeting my marketing for the app towards. There are some features I hadn’t thought about adding, so it was helpful to get some outside ideas and input that I can take and potentially add to the app either when it launches or later down the road after a few updates are completed. More specifically, I hadn’t thought about the ability to send your vaccination records directly from the app and to the school since these records should always be up to date. This would make submitting the records much easier for the student which could lead to more people making sure the school has the most recent records from them. I also like the idea about being able to ask Campus Health related questions in the app. This would also be a convenient feature that I can see getting a lot of use. I think advertising through social media as well as Campus Health emails would be a solid way to begin advertising to my target audience.